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Behind the blogger 2018

Welcome bag to my wonderfully random blog! This week I am finally making a fun and interesting blog for you and I’m going to be telling you 7 spontaneous facts about me !

Get ready to see my first behind the blogger post (she’s a bit of a wild one)…

  1. I was (still pretty much am) a writing geek.

From about year 2 (aged 7 for all my non-British followers), I was in love with writing little stories and cute little poems. My first poem was an actostic Christmas poem and my teacher let me present it to the class and I was so proud of myself. In primary education (5-12), I mostly wrote elaborate stories and made books since my biggest aspiration was to be the ‘World’s Youngest Novel Author’. However, i would get called out by my family for accidental plagarism. My most famous works were a revamped version of Little Red Riding hood and my totally copied episode of Dr Who. Now i am more into poetry and song writing and I am known to write (a lot of) songs for my friends.

2. I love learning new languages.

I was never taught a language by my family but havve always been interested in different cultures and languages. I learned French from 7-11 and have so far been learning German since then – meaning I have lost all my french understanding. I have also attempted learning phrases from several languages including Korean, Malay, Samoan ,and now Finnish.

Learning about different cultures is super inspiring and I love how i can incorporate that inspiriation into my lifestyle. It is also wonderful for a blogger like me because everything  you learn cam be put to use during travels and in your work.

3. I love to read too!

I sound like to biggest nerd so far but reading is lot more than the language. i learn so much from characters and though most stories are 75% fiction, it helps to read about a character similar to yourself as well as totally different. My absolute Favourites are:

Maternal Instinct by Caroline Leavitt

Ghost Girl by Torey Hayden

The One Memory of Flora Banks by Emily Barr

Silence is Goldfish by Annabel Pitcher

The Card Turner by Louis Zacher

4. “The Colour Order”

This concept I made when I made when I was four is totally bizzare but somewhat unique.

The Colour Order is the idea of how numbers have colours and the colours have “traits”, which are then put in the order from 0 to 12 -or sometimes 1 to 13 .

Ever since I thought of it, I have used it in my daily life ;organising, styling, and conceptualising written pieces. It really is unique because even if pink ,to me, is 2 and soft, it may be 7 and loud in someone else’s order.

It’s a lot to understand outside of my brain but perhaps I’ll do a post on it in futere. Tweet me your ideas

5. Weddings…

We all know the little girl stereotype that can’t wait to get married and have a white wedding.

Now that you’ve got that image in your head, I wany you to image the EXTREME of that concept where the girl doesn’t just want to plan her own Perfect wedding , but she wants to do that for others. Aaaaand you’ll see me!

In between playing dress up computer games and reading a 2002 novel, I was planning my wedding to the very last detail. I had folders filled with venues, dress material types, dress necklines, skirt types, different styles for body types, bouquets, culture traditions, etc.

I went so far as to research event planning courses, but my dream finally came to an end in 2015 when I learned that the courses are very demanding and I may not even get a job at the end.

6. My life in 5 words

“Learning how to style life”

To put it simply, our day to day is like having all your clothes out on a rack. You have to pick out an outfit and you have to pick it quickly. The weather that you see outside is an accumulation of your mood, thoughts and situations and you’re forced to pick something but when you thought you made the right choice, suddenly the weather changes and you don’t know what to do. So you step outside and you try your best not to be effected by the “weather” but as soon as you get back and have all your “clothes” laid out before you, the effects kick in.

Not sure if that little analogy made sense, but what I’m trying to say is that when you make a mistake -or wear a short top in the rain- sometimes you can fix it -having a jacket in your bag. However sometimes you just have to distance yourself -find shelter and wait- and learn to check the “weather” and be prepated next time.

7. I’m not the best at face to face interaction.

Admitting that on the internet perhaps says quite a bit about my teenage self. However, something about the sub anonymous worldwide conversation happening right now, comforts me in away that I love.

Having always been awkward, talking is extremely hard if I am not comfortable. For rexampl, the other day I had an inner conversation with myself, contemplating whether I should answer my teachers question or hold my breath until I feel faint.

These are all my seven facts for this week and from Sunday night I will begin to do daily blog posts, so stick around for some fashion and lifestylle blogs.

Thank you so much for viewing this blog! I appreciate every bit of support and would really like to take care of this blog, as this is my long term outlet. And hopefully I can gain at least one follower, from today’s post.

If you would like to contact me or see me in action a little more in my daily life as a student blogger, follow me on the platforms below:

My Twitter: @mooncocooni

My Instagram: @moon.cocoonlabel

My Pinterest: @cocooninquiry

And of couse follow my blog,like this post and please comment below your ideas for me or what you thought about my post.

*If you are brand and want me to promote or do a sponsoship email me: ivy.showers3@gmail.com

Love you all, caterpillar or butterfly xoxo

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